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24 Etiquettes of Reciting Quran (Part 1)

Indeed, Quran encompasses most of our aspects in our life as muslims. This life and Hereafter can not be fulfilled unless through it. 

Firstly, let's define Quran: 

Quran: Quran is the Holy book for Muslims. It is the miraculous word of Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad through the angel Jibreel. It is gained rewards by reciting. Started with the Surah Al-Fathihah (The Opening), ended with the Surah An-Naas (The People) according to the mushaf. Came to us through transmission of the recitation of verses by Tawatur.

Etiquettes of Reciting Quran:

1. Purifying your Intention: Which means that when you start with this 'Ibadah like any 'Ibadah, you need to be sincere with your intention of doing it for the sake of Allah. Nevertheless, you should also make your intention of acting upon what you recite.

2. Hoping for The great rewards: Prophet Muhammad sallah lahu 'alayhi wasallam has told us that when a person read a letter from the Quran, it is as though one good deed. And one good deed is equal to 10 good deeds. Thus, the first ayah of Surah al Baqarah (Alif-Laam-Meem) is equal to Thirty good deeds. Likewise, with all the ayahs. 

3. Being in a pure state, while your recite Quran: Scholars have stated that there is no issue on reciting Quran by heart or reciting through a device, without being in a pure state. However, the most advisable way would be performing Wudu each time you recite Quran if you dont find it overwhelming.

4. Performing Wudu (Ablution) if you are touching a Mushaf: There is a dispute among scholars on this issue, However this is the most accurate and correct view among scholars.

5. Facing to the Qiblah: There is no issue on reciting facing to any direction you want, however the Best way is to face the Qiblah.

We will suffice with these 5 etiquettes for now, will upload the remaining soon. In sha Allah!
